Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Searching for Inspiration

Well, on November 14th I was completely blindsided by inspiration for a new book and decided to follow it. Thank God I did, because I think it's my best work and have a lot of high hopes for it. It's an urban fantasy featuring a very sassy pixie as the main character, and a yummy love interest who's not quite emotionally available. This will be a multi-book series.

Now, here I am, on December 2nd, and I seem to have run out of steam. Not for the story. I know where it's going and I'm pretty excited about it. But for me. I need some inspiration to keep going. The story's burning a hole in me, dying to be told, and I'm so tired all I can think about is sleeping more.

Okay, need to get out of this funk, because this story is too good not to tell. Here I go:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Book Magic

I'm sitting here reflecting on my two favorite authors: Karen Marie Moning and Teresa Medeiros. What is it about their writing that is so special?

Well, although they have different writing styles, they both have the ability to capture me from the very beginning of a book, to pull me into their world so deeply and completely that I'm unable to put the book down until I've finished. In fact, I recall many a night when I got a new book by one of them, and was so enthralled that I stayed up until I finished, sometimes as late as 5:oo or 5:30 a.m.

I can only aspire to breathe that kind of life into my books, to make them so riveting that readers simply cannot put them down, and wait with baited breath until the next book release.

Thank you Karen and Teresa, for working your book magic!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ain't it Funny?

Okay, so I was deep into my latest book, about two-thirds of the way done. I was telling myself that I would buckle down and finish my book in November. And then, last Monday, bam! A new story hit me like a freight train. I couldn't ignore it. It was just festering in my head. So I obeyed my muse and sat down to write. Well, less than two weeks later, and after several nights of hardly any sleep at all, I'm 31,000 words deep, and more than half way done with this new story. It's not the exact genre I was targeting, and I don't know where it will take me, but I couldn't just ignore it.

I have to admit, I've written 1 and 2/3 books already, and this was the first time I felt that way. The overwhelming urge to create, to the point where even sleep seemed secondary. What an amazing rush!

I'm hopeful. Very hopeful.

Friday, September 4, 2009


What is it about a thunderstorm that's so beautiful, so inspirational? Maybe because it's so electrifying (literally and figuratively).

I'm writing one of those scenes where rain is splattering against the window. Perfect weather, if you're inside...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Kick Ass Songs

Writing fight scene, listening to Marilyn Manson's "The Beautiful People".

"There's no time to discriminate,
hate every motherf*^!er that's in your way."

On Writing

Writing Tip:

If you're boring yourself, it's time to rewrite.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Muse

I'm trying to spark my creativity. I know that many writers talk about finding their muse, but it strikes me that what sparks my creativity is the act of creating.

I know what you're thinking. Huh??

At first it is like pulling teeth, trying to be creative. Every word seems to be forcibly torn out of me. But then, the words begin to come faster and faster, almost like a bubbling cauldron, where the water boils faster the hotter it becomes.

Creating is like that. Sometimes the words are crap. Sometimes they are magic. But they must always be coaxed out. At least that's how it works for me.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do What You Love

People say that if you do what you love, the money will follow. I sure hope that's true.

This is my first blog in the series, "Adventures of an Unpublished Writer". I'll share my hopes, dreams, successes and disappointments as I begin the path towards having my first romance novel published.

Wish me luck!